National Caricaturist Network is an amazing playground for each one who wants to learn more and more about exaggeration and likeness drawing techniques.
Jan Op de Beck, from Belgium is one of the very best professionals and senior NCN member. He launched in late february a monthly caricature's contest among NCN members.
Boris Yeltsin, Prince Harry Windsor and Matt Damon have been furiously drawn by dozens of caricaturists. Digital stuffs are prohibited, only manual technique allowed.
I am honoured to participate and send my contributions to those very exciting competitions wher critics and comments are welcome.
Jan Op de Beck, from Belgium is one of the very best professionals and senior NCN member. He launched in late february a monthly caricature's contest among NCN members.
Boris Yeltsin, Prince Harry Windsor and Matt Damon have been furiously drawn by dozens of caricaturists. Digital stuffs are prohibited, only manual technique allowed.
I am honoured to participate and send my contributions to those very exciting competitions wher critics and comments are welcome.
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