mercredi 16 avril 2008

Work in progress 2 : Pope Benedict XVI

2. Portrait of Pope Benedict XVI

This is an exemple of testing new media : Reynolds Markers Pinsocolor.

For this I begin with a quick pencil sketch.

After that, I am using the yellow marker. I choose this kind of product because of its brush shape.

A bit larger than Pitt Faber Castell artist pen that I had already tried.

The impression is good.

Then I go on with darker colors : orange, brown.

I draw on with red and pink.

After that it's time to take the eyes with two blue colors.

I finish the job with black marker.

Half an hour to realize these operations, then I scanned and applyed a Watercolor filter in Photoshop and added a pale cream background.

Pope Benedict XVI is ready now to fly in the USA !

(to be continued)

bertrand daullé


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