jeudi 27 juin 2013

Isabelle Adjani's caricature, by daullé

Isabelle Adjani, by daullé
Carré Conté on Sennelier Papier Nature.

Keith Richards's Caricature, by daullé

Keith Richards, by daullé

Caricature for Wittygraphy's initiative Children Rivers of Mercy (2)

Francisco Mexican child, as Thunk from Dreamworks "The Croods" movie, by daullé.

Caricatures for Wittygraphy's initiative Children Rivers of Mercy

Ana Mexican child as Eep in Dreamworks "The Croods" movie, by daullé.

mercredi 19 juin 2013

Rihanna's caricature, by daullé

Rihanna, by daullé. Final stage : Carré Conté and Charcoal Conté pencil.
Rihanna, by daullé. Fisrt sketch's stage. 

Mahatma Gandhi's caricature, by daullé

Mahatma Gandhi, by daullé. Charcoal Conté pencil and black Carré Conté

lundi 3 juin 2013

Burt Reynolds' caricature, by daullé

Burt Reynolds, by daullé. Charcoal and Pierre noire Conté pencils on Sennelier Papier Nature.