lundi 23 mars 2009
dimanche 22 mars 2009
samedi 21 mars 2009
vendredi 20 mars 2009
mercredi 18 mars 2009
lundi 16 mars 2009
March 15, birthday's caricature : Jerry Lewis (1926)
March 15, birthday's caricature : Ry Cooder (1947)
March 14, birthday's caricature : Albert Einstein (1979) )
jeudi 12 mars 2009
Caricature du jour : Andy WARHOL (4)
mercredi 11 mars 2009
March 13, Birthday's caricature : Al Jaffee (1921)
March 12, Birthday's caricature : Jack Kerouac (1922)
mardi 10 mars 2009
lundi 9 mars 2009
March 11, Birthday's caricature : Johnny Knoxville (1971)
dimanche 8 mars 2009
March 10, Birtrhday's caricature : Samuel Eto'o (1981)
March 9, Birthday's caricature : John Cale (1942)
samedi 7 mars 2009
March 7, Birthday's caricature : Michel Eisner (1942)
March 3rd, Birthday's caricature : Bobby Driscoll (1937)

Bobby Driscoll, by daullé
Wacom tablet with Photoshop.
Bobby Driscoll, by daullé.
Pierre noire pencil.
Bobby Driscoll, born in Cedar Rapids, was one of these numerous movie children stars, who got some difficulties to assume their condition as an adult.
He died in New York in 1968.
(To be continued)
March 2nd, Birthday's caricature : Lou Reed (1942)
March 1st, Birthday's caricature : Ron Howard (1954)
jeudi 5 mars 2009
March 5, Birthday's caricature : Pier Paolo Pasolini ( 1922)

Pier-Paolo Pasolini, by daullé.
Pierre noire pencil.
"Great caricature Daullé!" (Marion Van de Wiel, on NCN forum).
(To be continued)
mercredi 4 mars 2009
March 8, Birthday'scaricature : John McPhee (1931)

John McPhee by daullé
Pierre noire pencil.
Pierre noire pencil.
Today's anniversary belongs to John McPhee, american writer born in Princeton who received Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction in 1999, ("Annals of the Former World").
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